WA Inspired – wa mADE
Inspired by our love of WA’s Landscapes, we have endeavoured to capture the moments, memories, history and experiences within our WAscapes range of timber linings.
Our standard *LEGNA clear timber range is suitable for internal and semi exterior (alfresco, patio, eaves, entryway) situations.
All of our profiles are manufactured right here in our Bibra Lake Workshop. An added benefit of designing and manufacturing all these profiles in our Bibra Lake Workshop, is that we can also custom run these profiles in a range of other timbers from Jarrah through to American Oak.
*LEGNA is a H3 treated pine that is suitable for clear, paint or stain finishes.

Our WAscapes GIBB RIVER timber lining profile invites you to run your fingers over it, evoking memories of corrugated gravel roads off the beaten track.
Travel tip: Make sure the fridge is strapped in well as Gibb River Rd tries shaking your car to pieces, and give the beers a chance to settle before you open your first.

Our WAscapes JERVOISE timber lining profile with it’s 3 widths creates a unique opportunity to capture the rhythm and randomness of the gentle swell that washes through the bay.
Travel tip: Shipwrecks in the bay are perfectly situated for diving and snorkelling. You won’t even need a boat as you can reach many from the shore.

Our WAscapes PINNACLES timber lining profile with it’s deliberate angles and varied depths is designed to capture the light and shadow just as their namesake in the Nambung National Park.
Travel tip: We found sunrise and sunset are the best times to visit the Pinnacles as the shadows dance in the changing light.